Sunday, 7 September 2014

{Recipe} "Honey" Toast with Berries and Ice Cream

 LOVE Shibuya Honey Toasts! Having tried a few from Singapore or overseas, I am still a loyal fan of Bangkok After You's version :) Dazzling Cafe's one was too over-kill for me hahaha

Since I am not in Bangkok, I decided to make my own "Honey" Toast! Drizzled maple syrup instead of honey so that explains the quotation marks hehe

Start by making your own Hokkaido Milk Loaf! This Japanese style bread is soft, velvety and a rich flavour of milk :) Perfect

 Hokkaido Milk Toast
adapted from here 


540 gm bread flour
86 gm caster sugar
8 gm salt
9 gm full cream milk power
11 gm instant dried yeast
86 gm whisked egg
59 gm whipping cream
54 gm milk
184 gm tangzhong (method of making tangzhong)
49 gm unsalted butter, melted

Method (To make one loaf):
*The original recipe uses a breadmaker, I kneaded by hand!

1. Add all ingredients (except butter) into a largebowl, first the wet ingredients (milk, cream, egg, tangzhong), then followed by the dry ingredients (salt, sugar, milk powder, bread flour, yeast). When all ingredients come together, pour in the melted butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic. 

2. Then let the dough complete the 1st round of proofing, about 40 minutes, until double in size. 

Hokkaido Milk Toast Procedures01

Hokkaido Milk Toast Procedures02
Credits here
3. Transfer the dough to a clean floured surface. Deflate and divide into 3 equal portions (see picture 1). Cover with cling wrap, let rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.

4. Roll out each portion of the dough with a rolling pin into an oval shape (See picture 2). Fold 1/3 from top edge to the middle and press (see picture 3). 
5. Then fold 1/3 from bottom to the middle and press (see picture 4). Turn seal downward. Roll flat and stretch to about 30cm in length (see picture 5). 
6. With seal upward, roll into a cylinder (see picture 6). With seal facing down (see picture 7), place in the loaf tins to have the 2nd round of proofing (see picture 8), until double in size. The best temperature for 2nd round proofing is 38C, humidity 85%.

7. Brush whisked egg on surface. Bake in a pre-heated 180C (356F) oven for 30 to 35 minutes, until turns brown. Remove from the oven and transfer onto a wire rack. Let cool completely.

Then the fun begins! :D


Slice the loaf to your desired thickness, then make 4 incisions to create 9 cubes, making sure NOT to slice all the way through! 

Brush the entire loaf generously with melted butter and don't forget in between the cubes as well. Then sprinkle a liberal amount of sugar to get that sweet, crispy top :)

Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for about 10mins, or until golden brown :)


Meanwhile, slice your berries and take your ice cream out to soften :)

Topped with green tea and strawberry cheesecake ice-cream, berries and a sprinkle of chopped almonds :)))

The boy added more ice cream after I'm done taking pictures HAHA. Best part about making your own "Honey" Toast is adding as much fruits and ice cream as you want :)


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