Wednesday, 8 April 2015

{Recipe} Fluffy Purple Sweet Potato Bread // Ovomaltine Grilled Cheese Sandwich


I absolutely LOVE sweet potatoes! Or rather, all kinds of root vegetables - yam, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, oh my.

This purple sweet potato bread is pretty straight-forward and easy to make :) The natural purple colour is so gorgeous too :') I folded in some potato chunks just for the extra bite!

Purple Sweet Potato Bread
adapted from here
120 gm purple sweet potato puree (Peel the sweet potato, steam or cook in a microwave oven until it’s softened. Discard the excess water. Use a large spoon or fork to press into a paste. Then measure out the amount you need) 

    120 gm tangzhong
    50 gm whisked egg
    110 ml milk
    40 gm honey
    12 gm milk power
    ½ tsp salt
    350 gm bread flour
    2 tsp instant dried yeast
    25 gm butter, melted
1 steamed purple sweet potato diced into chunks


1. Add all ingredients (except butter) into a breadmaker/mixer, the wet ingredients first, then followed by the dry ingredients: tangzhong, pumpkin puree, egg, milk, honey, milk powder, salt, flour and yeast.   

2. Select the “dough” mode (refer to the manual of your breadmaker to select the kneading dough programme). When all the ingredients come together, add the butter. Knead until the dough passes the window-pane test. Gently knead in the purple sweet potato chunks.

3. After kneading, let the dough complete the 1st round of proofing in the machine, about 40 minutes, until doubled in size.

4. Transfer the dough onto a clean floured surface. Deflate and divide into 3 equal portions. Cover with cling wrap, let it rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.

5. Roll out each portion of the dough with a rolling pin into an oval shape. Fold 1/3 from top edge to the middle and press. Then fold 1/3 from bottom to the middle and press. Turn seal downward. Roll flat and stretch to about 30cm in length. With seal upward, roll into a cylinder. With seal facing down, place in the loaf tin. Complete the 2nd round of proofing, until doubled in size.

6. Brush whisked egg on surface. Bake in a pre-heated 180C oven for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and transfer onto a wire rack. Let cool completely.


Ovomaltine Grilled Cheese Sandwich for the family! Using my purple sweet potato bread :)

Love that chunk of sweet potato peeping out ;)

That gooey cheese *_*

Together with kale chips, cheesy tomato omelette, and matcha french toast cubes dusted with cinnamon sugar :-)



  1. Hi Charlene, I really love this recipe and am going to attempt to make the bread over the weekend :) but i'm not too sure how point 5 looks like:
    Fold 1/3 from top edge to the middle and press. Then fold 1/3 from bottom to the middle and press. Turn seal downward. Roll flat and stretch to about 30cm in length. With seal upward, roll into a cylinder. With seal facing down, place in the loaf tin.

    Especially unclear about the Seal and cylinder you're talking about !

    Thank you so much :)

    1. Hello!! :) Thank you so much for visiting and I apologize for the unclear instructions :(

      You can visit as this is the website I adapted the recipe from :) The pictures there are very clear :) Hope it helps and all the best :)
